
short hair stories

The eponymous essay in a series about not fitting in,
never giving up, and forever rocking what makes your face happy.

  • Girl With Short Hair - “You’re the only girl in the world with short hair.” My niece said this to me. She was six at the time. I had asked her if she wanted to cut her hair short one day. She laughed as if I had said something profoundly ridiculous. Had I? I asked her. Yes, she said. Why? And that was her response. That I was the only girl in the world with short hair. It was okay for me, because it was me, but definitely not for her, because it was her. I smiled. The only girl in the world with short hair. Not a terrible thing to be in the eyes of your niece. A rebel, a loner, a maverick. Unfettered by gender norms, unwilling to spend any significant time with a blow dryer. A defiant, short-haired, mad woman raging against a hair culture stuck in a loop of incessant twirling… Continue Reading